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Louisiana: NIPR Paper Licensing
louisiana: paper licensing

This page provides state-specific checklists, application forms and contacts for paper resident and non-resident licensing in the State of Louisiana.


Non-Resident Licensing Checklist for Business Entities


  • Nonresidents are required to apply online through NIPR. Paper applications will be accepted only if online filing is not an option.
  • Attach a check* or money order in the amount of $75 for each line applying. You may apply for more than 1 line of authority on one application.

    * Checks payable to Louisiana Dept of Insurance

  • The individual signing on behalf of the corporation must hold a license in Louisiana for the same lines of authority the corporation is applying for and be listed on the first page as the designated/responsible producer.
  • If applying for variable line of authority, CRD number for corporation or the broker/dealer the corporation is affiliated with must be provided.
  • To verify that the license has been approved and processed go to this page. A license will not be mailed.

Appointment Requirements After Licensing

  • Appointment must be received within 15 working days of effective date of contractual agreement
    with company.

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Non-Resident Licensing Checklist for Individuals


  • Nonresidents are required to apply online through NIPR. Paper applications will be accepted only if online filing is not an option.
  • Attach a check* or money order in the amount of $75 for each line applying. You may apply for more than 1 line of authority on one application.

    * Checks payable to Louisiana Dept of Insurance

  • Supply CRD number on application if applying for a variable annuity license
  • To verify that the license has been approved and processed go to this page. A license will not be mailed.

    To obtain a hard copy once license is processed, go to this page.

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Resident Licensing Checklist for Business Entities


  • Resident business entities must apply online through NIPR.  The fee is $75 per line. You may apply for more than 1 line of authority on one application.
  • The entity must have at least one designated/responsible producer licensed in Louisiana for the line(s) of insurance being applied for by the entity.
  • If applying for variable line of authority, CRD number for entity must be provided
  • To verify that the license has been approved and processed go to this page. A license will not be mailed.

    To obtain a hard copy once license is processed, go to this page.

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Resident Licensing Checklist for Individuals


  • License lines that require an examination file an online application through Sircon. Visit the LDI web site for more information on initial license requirements:

    License lines that do not require an examination (limited lines and variable) apply online through NIPR.

    Applicants who are exempt from exam requirements due to licensure in another state within the previous 90 days must file a paper application directly with the Department of Insurance.

    License application fee is $75 per line.

  • Supply CRD number on online application if applying for a life & variable annuity license
  • Resident applicants who are not already licensed in Louisiana must be fingerprinted prior to licensure.


The National Insurance Producer Registry ("NIPR") populates the State Matrix of Business Rules ("State Matrix") with information provided directly from participating state insurance departments. Participating states are encouraged to provide updated information when appropriate. NIPR does not guarantee the completeness, accuracy or adequacy of the information in the State Matrix. The information in the State Matrix does not constitute legal advice and use of this information is at user's own risk and responsibility. Any questions regarding the interpretation of the rules or the accuracy of the information should be directed to the appropriate state insurance department.

Uniform Application for Business Entities



Uniform Application for Individuals




Louisiana accepts the Uniform Licensing Application for nonresident business entities and individuals.


Louisiana accepts the Uniform Licensing Application for resident business entities and individuals.


Louisiana Web Site

Mail Applications to:
Louisiana Department 
of Insurance 
P.O. Box 94214
Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9214


Non-Resident Contacts

Business and Individual
Agent Licensing Division 


Resident Contacts

Business and Individual
Agent Licensing Division 


NIPR Licensing